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赤茶回 o kr -Hadrian's Wal Roman road Roman fort 凰程牌 文库 长OAR 英灯阿德里安·戈滋沃西,著 大娇译 罗马帝国的荣光 O M E 文明世界的尽头 D R I A N T H E South Shields Cheste Rudchester Wallsend Halton Benwell Chesters WALL L IMIT S Newcastle S WORT H HADRIANS WALLY and the supporting bases to the north ugh across the narrowest part of the 大请· 哈德 thtin the west it extended for some ong the southern shores of the Solway Firth.This tidal stretch of water was clearly not felt to be a 长城 strong obstacle in itself.Along the Cumbrian the west and south the system was extended by a owers.fortlets and forts without the curtain wall. h some of these installations were subsequently oned,a significant number of forts remained, suggesting that a threat was still thought to be real. No similar installations were built behind the eastern flan! of the Wall,which was less easy to access by sea.