家庭文摘网 逸家购物 兮古洗发水护发素深海鱼子洗护套装蛋白滋养净柔修护洗发乳发膜女
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SIGOL 兮古® 滋养洗发水·修护发膜 玻尿酸 蛋白养分 深度修护 兮古 SIGO Soft and Maintain Shampoo 兮古净柔修护洗发乳 公司直营 This clean and soft hair care formnce tos 兮古 SIGOL 兮古 SIGOL washes scalp hair grease and imgther making hair smooth and easy tea Soft and Maintain Shampoo tively maintain frizry and dry h and sy 蛋白修护发膜 兮古净柔修护洗发乳 This cean and soft har care.with rch foan 企业店铺 wishes scalo hhir brease and imereves hair tangins 内maintain tery and dry ha,nE+fh 净含量:720m and s/ry. 净含量30 净含量3效 原装正品 无授权证书店铺的产品,我司不予保障。