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版孝雪店 赤城回 正版保障 Hadran's W Roman ro Roman fort 肉同稳里安龙进沃酒:著 哈德良氏城雾解训绣 大精择 罗马帝国的荣光 与文明世界的尽头 South Shields Rudchester Halton Benwell Wallsend Chesters HADRIAN'S WALL R T H Y E M P I R E 哈德良 sepporting bases to the north gh across the mrrowest part of the at in the west it ertended for some outhern shores of the Solway Firth.This tidal stretch of water was dearly not felt to be strong obstace in itvelf.Aloeg the Cumbrian west and south the syyter was extended by fortletsand forts wthout the curtain wa ed,a significant number of forts remained uggesting that a threatwasst thought to be real. No similar installations were built behind the castern fan of山e Wall,which was less easy to access时a 官方正版新华书店文轩旗舰店