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legs carried him past tables carved from cyprus and ivory. Tortoise shell gleamed from couches and di. vans and the walls,inaid with gems,shinmer with brocades of 小体积大风量 Huge palms grew placiu. ing a fountain of a aba boxes,encrusted wit' THE GREATEST SALESMAN ntents for attent the ld doubt that st painstaking de 清涼夏日 IN THE granite wo 还要萌萌达 ecels fram- tries stat hea e e muc cgypt e treasu Rome and and Eras Isam was his face “Everyu old nose apples er's “I have not s unusual request for a Vear the loading platforms vould estimate there is in excess of seven old talents.” d,how r ods being removed frow asguise ed into separate stalls. linens,parchment, Asia Minor;glass, 'And were all the goods in all my warehons mbers re P” own country;tex- tute oriums converted into gold,how much nger,cinnamon, cell e gold." lculate、 corn,paper, The boo nt yet complete for this sea- minimum of came forth.He ic..ack as if struck and when more goods.Insti- finaliy he could speak.the words came with ef fort. ns are ad convert all of it to equired to 3 ch orened but no sound