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9&网0& a Ete watiss ispAt Tod The universe is opening doors If I om ever feeling down or bored. I spend time creating o vision boord Midie for me,bringing opportunities my way.I don't crumble at the to ploce in my home.I fill it with edge of my greatness.I take the quotes,pictures,and desires that opportunities that come and bring me inspiration and joy. walk through the doors with y confidence. RetnasypAyo Up aid⑦t Anger is a natural emotion,but To heal the parts of me that feel I recognize that holding on to it can hurt,I must feel every emotion. be toxic for me.I look at the person It has to come up to come out. who has caused me pain and see I don't try to push my feelings away. them as the human being they are. I sit with them and feel them I release the anger I feel and free as I release them. myself.Freeing myself and expanding to love.