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ANY A SHALL THING L uit of life lies ction:The flife is today hna前 let shalow thingmore and them小ury will be a lire bit d.What we need is not the y.The key is tobe boeet d,change the undervtand. and good.Fas and trustWhen you ing of othen,and hold onto omthing.m e darkness of Life is likeadooome people the door the door,ome people are optim Some peopleare worried abot the othen are happy ouide In fact.many song as you think it is worth the best S and mifortune,are not them in their what you want,don't let it p wayfrom you too much regret.The penon living is the tae taingood t of mind,fehappy paradie that the world is poor and rich,good and evil,bea EDA cceand falre.happine and mifortue