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ZIPPO 男u○R@©B⊙ GAMECF HRONES Windproof Lighter 纯银 Digut watcyer swear Diubt oathers.ano now my wateb beqtns. t stalt take yo wile.bold yo Lnos.Lather it suall yot eod uotil my ceath. I stall u'ar vo crowns aud wiy yo gtory. I stall ink'avd die at wy post. 0t10r'u. I .y tt'sword ly tte'darkuess. I .w the lire tbat burus aoatust tbe colo. 1.the ulteber ou tbe whlls. 冰与火之歌 the lgbt tbat brivos tbe dawo. the boru toat wathes tbe steepers. the sbtelo tot ouards tbe realus ol wev. t pledoe wy tite aud bovor to tbe Diobt's tor tots utobt aud all tbe utobts to come. waatcb. est Sularus ot D)ithas