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For how a the veen a Rol ially on theo thing is pardoned in ypermitted. 今n6 o on Hi】 匈minded me of myc nce网》 之f loa peiod in时,1 errevea the profound he mitigating In the n of can we condemn cther become. ness? iion into positive and negative poles childishy sim cept for one difficulty:which one is positive,weight Parmenides responded:lightness is positive,weig be lighter than air,to soar into the heights,take leave of the Conversely,the absolute absence of a burden causes man to carth and his carthly being.and become only half real,his movements as free as they are insignificant. before Christ.He saw the world divided into pairs of opposites: What then shall we choose?Weight or lightness? Parmenides posed this very question in the sixth century light/darkness,fineness/coanseness,warmth/cold,being/nor ing One half of the opposition he caed positive lightfi es,warmth,being),the other negative.We might find m,the more real and truthful they eavier the burden,the closer eously an image of an's body.The ery age,the ahi,t