家庭文摘网 逸家购物 硅胶乳贴胸贴隐形文胸梅花形园形 提胸无纺布袋装防水透气防凸点
硅胶乳贴胸贴隐形文胸梅花形园形 提胸无纺布袋装防水透气防凸点
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nipple silicone pad 硅胶乳贴 穿戴前: 清洗皮肤,保持清爽干燥,无油脂 穿戴时: 揭开乳贴上的薄膜,将乳贴中心位置对准 胸部焦点位置,保证整个乳晕部分完全覆 盖,轻按乳贴边缘确保乳贴与肌肤完贴合。 穿戴后: 沿着乳贴边缘轻轻掀起,取下乳贴,取少 量沐浴露涂在乳贴有粘性的一面用手指轻 揉洗,并用清水冲洗后晾干。再把薄膜贴 在乳贴有粘性的一面,放袋以备下次使用 型号,梅花。圆形0心形0 The natural teaut af the dreast cunve nipple pad Applying methods: Firstly clean your breast,then tear off the sep paper and put the stick on to the nipple softly the outer edge of which be sticked to the skin Product features: Caution: The product ean be applied at any time and such as when wear back-revealing dresses swimming dresses Clearing methods: With a dry towel and neutral clearer to clean it. Self Adhesive Nipple Pad Forbidden to those who have an allergic ski mak nursing or secretion out of nipple if you feel during applying.Not more than eight hours for application. ca ,tights ar urit Elise