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启航书课包 7075 《田静讲真题》书课包 ☑02-24全套真题 ☑210h精讲课程 ☑智能测试 【段1】 2002年英语一阅读Tcxt2 of human ingenuity,people have devised ever 46.Human ingenuity vas initially demonstrated in ols to cope with work that is dangerous,boring. [A]the use of machines to produce science fiction just plain nasty.That compulsion has resulted [B]the wide use of mochines in manufacturing industry e science of conferring various human capabitities [C]the inwention of tools for diffiout And if scientists have yet to create the and dangerous work [D]the elite's cunning tackling of ion of science fiction,they have begun to come dangerous and berinn 1cork 田 讲真 讲镇 讲真题 内研两清司 两海清男真后 5甲其全 3R堂 赠《田静讲真题》全套 备考2025考研