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the wer8rass】 I passed out o ycan bend your oably downwa ning dvice,criticisr There were times ur vere pport visits、no more began to drif, ating down fiume cleared my head,I'd put most worthless stock fund.She quickly got the money went. sed a. tain illu. sthat I West Coast.I had to explain to my wif After that,I drank more-ballplayers in drank-but it became a problem which,in tim from two sales jobs.And getting fired made at thing drinking.I slept badly.I ate badly.I seemed to that ne into an oking in th while standing still.When I did find work,I hid mo and eyedrops in my pockets,darting into bathrooms meeting clients.Money became a problem;Catherine a Q●毛毛虫 fought constantly about it.And,over time,our marriage c 手机配件 in a her per. psed.She grew tired of my misery and I can't say I blam ig“Come on,Chadley around,and that's the t .When you're rotten about yourself,you become rotten like instead of wveryone else,even those you love.One night she found going into ever passed out on the basement floor with my lip cut, cradling a baseball glove. Ileft my family shortly thereaftet-or they left I am more ashamed of that than I can say. moved to an apartment.I grew orner d anyone who wouldn't dil i ben alive,might have cause she was always