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MATISSE THE ESSENCE OF LINE 平完 GOOD DAY Two sister Two sister 尾凹tE 乐 4设n > 因④⑦四口画口■@风⊙©④回□白 ICEEEE June 6 西 9 aP N形EOD infant.He wa outh openet trange sensa reason he 10 d sell ful n hands rew of go d Hafid 9 e the robe. nts c 8 Pathros was The circle in time nd drean had he h he nimal.He care fed his would weave ar pack quality. an ould see ol r心d dye glowed in and robe the he d his 么 O} 。 straw hi It seemed as of it. tar ark the eside ther's from the ather's war e would last eyes This was How many tired arms in owner. the infant,and the nd attered if he knew ev- to Bot l indeed a robe ea ange sighed lifetime. were cloa He ent Then Then Hafid opened his pre- and wrapped it gently around to nd knelt on removed the young mother's handed each back shocked at Hafid's then the