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rer say die 译:永不言败 Nothing is impossible ake cf yourwn 译:没什么不可能 Genie to struggl and yot conie to lo 小tntt= 译:生命不止,奋斗不息 guclhns lin州s rosslilis 译:年轻就是无限电可能 awwuwdhwiuaig9wpoewotherg'gs 译:永远不要低估改变自己的能力 译:相信自己 failure is the mother of suce 草本纹身贴一份16张英文 译:失败是成功之母 片旅可r@内亦叔格 译:千里之行,始于足下 不反光防水放搓维持两周 tp+nt0ttt 译:今天跌倒的人,明天就会站起来 Take control of your own desting 译:我命由我不由天 Lou think you can. you can Dbu think yow can.you can 译:你说行,你就行 Nor underoitimale gour porer to dhango gourid 译:永远要相信你自己 thite there is life;there is hofe: 译:活着就是希望 瓦p水在形ygau9U 译:光荣之路总是崎岖不平 Peeg congcience dlearThernover fear. 译:信仰坚定,永不畏惧 While there is life there is hope 译:一息尚存,希望不灭