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■ 奶 中习·准坊 弹典框式风笔系列 Weifang China 滩坊是一座具有悠久历史和灿烂文化!古城, 民间文化艺界 篷勃发展,框式风筝集传统与现代相结合 具有造型伏美、扎制 精巧、形象生动$特点,在风部中融诗, 画,戏剧等诸艺米 于一体,雅俗共赏,是极好的礼品和就品深 人们第爱 ifgis an ancient city with a long history and splendid culture where the olk cufture and are prospering.Frame kite in Weifang is a combination of tradi- tional and modern styles.which has distinguishing features.such as graceful appear- adee,exquisite handcraft and vivid image.The arts of poetry.calligraphy.painting and drama etoaro comoined together in the kite.appealing to all eople.Therefore. wonugift and collection.is loved by people ound the world. 专利产品仿冒必究 00-000000033030333303000-000001