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Lakoff's Stunning book opens a whole new understanding of public discourse in Amcrica.Both conservatives and liberals have much to learn from this work. HOW -Robert Bellah,University of California,Berkeley Liberals 道德 Moral Politres isn't just an "issu-by-issue debate.".It is an unusual mix of judicious scholarship tendentious journalism and inflammatory wake-up call. -Editor's recommendation,San Francisco Chronicle 政治 GEORGE LAKOFF THINK MORAL Lakoff,the cognitive linguist, POLITICS understands "how"you understand. In Moral Politics,he]deftly applies that seemingly arcane How Liberals and understanding to the heart Conservatives of American politics... Even those who 自由派 张 著 乔 disagree with him will profit deeply 和 GEORGE from encountering his 胡红伟 challenging ideas. 保守派 如何 LAKOFF 雷可夫 -Christian Science Monitor 思考 译 Conservatives ★女★这 ★大★文这 ★★女女比 E 士★文文★ ★★★大这 ★女★这 ★其★★这 其女女这 ★★★这 ★★★这