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Time /tim/ noun 1.the indefinite continued progress of existenee and events in thepast. present,and future regarded as a whole. "travel through space and time? 2.a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight ormoon. "the time is 9:30" LEAINOION SOCA DAVES verb u一 VOGUE 1.plan,sehedule,or arrange when (something)should happen or be done. THECONDE NAST PUBLCATIONS PC "the first track raee is timed for 11:15" SORN ARPYLTE SS LLXINGTON AVEVUE NEW ROREIT. 4 2.measure the time taken by (a process or a person doing it). "we were timed and given certificates according to our speed" YoHne Oly Cre Lne 82二 LoverplckmeSuationcry and more thing.since 2016 ALL RICHTS RESER LOVERSPLICME 2906